Remote Businesses
Remote businesses (bush lodges, mining exploration, oilrigs and ships at sea) have difficulty accessing drinking water – often requiring expensive transport of bottled water to these sites.
Cirrus water is the solution to providing cost effective, pristine quality drinking water that has a reduced carbon footprint.
Sector Issues: Access to drinking water is difficult, often requiring expensive transport of bottled water to the environment (e.g. helicopter for oil rigs)
Cirrus Water Solution: Cirrus Water can be created on and then piped through the site to chilled dispensers, coffee machines, urns and kettles
- The cost per litre of drinking water is reduced
- The carbon footprint associated with transporting water disappears
- Health risks associated with some plastics leaching chemicals that act like oestrogen disappear
Who should be using us
- Architects
- Asset Owners
- Consulting Engineers
- Developers
- Quantity Surveyors